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What Do You Feel About Proctoring Software?

What Do You Feel About Proctoring Software?

  • By Shashwat India
  • April 27, 2020 4:56 PM

There are always ways that can make your things work in the most effective and efficient manner. You can always ensure that you get the things done in the most effective manner. The main ingredient is not to get the things done, it is to ensure that the things get done in the most fecund and proficient way.

Have you ever pondered about proctoring software or online proctoring?  Certainly, right from recruiting people and even in corporate training, valuation is progressively moving online. Whether it is about deterring cheating during the time of student papers or confirming someone’s identity during the assessments of the employees, applying integrity online is becoming a vital priority for professionals.  It is significant that you make sure that nobody is doing double-dealing and there is transparency.  In such times remote or online proctoring solutions are immensely gaining grip with professionals.

What is this Concept All About?

For the individuals who are new to this profession or field , proctoring or Proctored Test is taken as a mechanism to make sure that there is authenticity of the exam taker and avert him/her from cheating via a proctor is present during the time of the test.  A proctor is a person who is trained and qualified to carry out candidate authentication and avert them from doing any sort of cheating.  Indeed, online Testing has been there for nearly twenty years in diverse formats. The commonest type of online test is an objective test that evaluate a candidate or applicant on their subject knowledge or is used to understand her or his learning ability or even behavioural profile.

The technology tracks the attitude or behaviour of the candidates and their patterns during the time of assessment, and platforms frequently make use safe browsers so professionals can decide how much flexibility applicants have to access specific web pages or even applications. Such a thing ensures that nobody does cheating during the evaluation or test.

Fresh Sets of Technology

The experts in the corporate world want to continue to change and hold fresh sets of technologies that permit them to stretch their current footmark and provide more opportunities for the candidates of course, this proctoring system do permit the firms and companies to expand their business and reach. They can conveniently take up applicants from different corners of the world. They can take the tests right from their spot and make sure that they evaluate the candidate right from miles away. In this manner there remains proper effectivity. The point is when you can take up applicants from only a limited area you get the same talent every time you do that recruitment derive. But when you recruit from different places you add up the flair that is new and fresh.

Are there Any Challenges?

It has been experienced that to provide a proctored exam centre near the spot or location of the test taker is a vital challenge for most of the organizations administering any types of tests. Of course, you cannot always make setups for proctors or the suitable place. Moreover, qualified Proctors are hard to find, and it is really challenging to make use of the quality of proctoring. And there are no records available to check if the proctor actually performed his/her job in a proper manner.  Moreover, a limited supply of test centres or proctors even heads to lengthy test schedules.

And yes, in such online tests without proctoring, there have been cases wherein often reported of cheating and parody occur. Applicants either ask someone else to take the test on their behalf or they make use of methods of cheating such as referring to some material by making use of smartphones or other devices to search for answers or solutions online or taking aid from an acquaintance. However, if there are proctoring instruments or software used in tests nobody can do any kind of cheating and there would not be even any requirement of presence of any proctor at the venue of the test.

Streamline the Online Proctoring System

In the instance of Online Exam Proctoring or Online Video exam proctoring, a candidate receives monitored online during the duration of the test typically with the assistance of a mike, webcam and access to the screen or monitor of the applicant.  To take any online proctored test from analoof or remote location applicant require:

  • A good quality and suitable device like Desktop PC/Laptop, Tablet or mobile.
  • A smooth and steady Internet connection that has minimum 256kbps speed
  • Aworkable webcam and a mic
  • In their PC/Laptop, any of the contemporary age or modern browsers

In the live proctored exam, a qualified proctor actually supervises the applicant, and he goes through the audio-video and even screen share feeds in the real time. In a characteristic sense the proctoring service provider is going to have people sitting in a remote location that have been properly trained to ensure the authentication of the candidate and prevent /red flag any type of cheating. For your information a proctor can do supervisionof people up to sixteen to thirty-two candidates at a time and it is a thing that depends on the provider.

The benefit of this model of proctoring software is that it removes the location restraint of proctoring. The test taker and that of proctor might be even hundreds or thousands of miles apart.  In this manner there remains a lot of ease, effectivity and competence.


So, the point is, this is something that you must go for. It is going to streamline and strengthen your corporate endeavours. The software ensures convincing results and best experiences.


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